
Baraiyadhala is a union of Shitakunda upazila under Chittagong division. There is a park named ‘Baraiyadhala National Park’ located at this union which is filled with dense forests and hill tracts. The area has lots of fountains and water-falls. The natural beauty of this area attracts tourists to explore and fills their mind with joy. The national park co-management committee offers various tourism facilities including tents, meals and providing eco-guides for the convenience of tourists to visit the fountains on the hills. The main center of the attraction of this park is the Khaiyachara Fountain, Shohosrodhara fountain, Napittachara fountain and Shonaichara fountain. Besides, the Bawachara, Kamladahchora and Labanaktochara add extra dimension to the beauty of the region. The national park authority said that there are deer, bears, rabbits, oysters, forests, forest goats, pigs and many species of extinct species in the forest. Besides, there are various kinds of timber-medicinal plants, bamboo and cycas plants, which include Chapaliish, Jams, Segun, Kadam, Chikarashi, Gamari in the garden. Tourists can understand hill culture and lifestyle here as the small ethnic groups live in the hills.